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Tan bō

Tan bō are typically paired short staves but can also be used as a single baton.

Sizing is measured as shown in the below link where I go into detail.  Do NOT think that they are all 24" long which is how most shops sell them.

Sometime around 2007, Taika began working with Lee Richards at Taika's home on significant changed to the Tan bo kata as well as an additional kata based on the Wakinaguri cane or walking stick breaking apart.  The change was significant in that the  philosophy shifted from striking kata to capture kata, as well as sliding shifts in hand positions rather than the previous 'pinch-flip' method.  Taika stated that the 'pinch-flip' method was taught early on as he didn't have students that he felt would dedicate the time needed to get this method correct.  The exercises in the first video will prepare you for the change in methodology prior to learning any of the sliding versions.


The Tan bō suburi (heavy tanbo) were used by Taika to force the wrists to bend as well as strengthen the wrists. There are some similarities or inclusions of moves in the break apart Jo/Cane kata.

A series of disarms.


A Ticket to the Party is my way of introducing Taika's principle that you should not worry about being disarmed. The tanbo is there to get you to the party (in close). How many of you went to a movie you enjoyed and told all your friends how great it was. Did you keep the ticket? No, that just got you in the door.

It is like a key that opens the gate and lets you inside. Once inside, you take control of their foundation and end the encounter.

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