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Nunchaku are a pair of short sticks, usually about the length of the forearm, tied together with a rope or string.  The gap between the two should be approximately the width of the hand.  They are not used in the manner that they gained popularity for in the movies.  We use them for grappling instead of a lot of swinging.

  • Kihon

  • Nunchaku no kata

  • Nunchaku Ju Gata (Jiyu, Jyu, Juu)

  • Nunchaku Double


The only person I have ever seen do the Double Nunchaku kata was Tasshi Jim Logue and it looked more like an exercise in coordination than a kata.  Regrettably I never asked him or Taika for a name of it prior to their deaths.  I have video of Jim doing it and photos of Taika doing it for later upload when I revive the drives on my computer.

Oyata - Nunchaku.jpg
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